Listing This document shows each image with: * Page No. in the catalogue * File Name * Book and Chapter of the Bible * Short description Page File Name Book Chapter Description - wood cuts. 6 spic001 Genesis 1 In the beginning ... 6 spic002 2 Adam and Eve. 6 spic003 3 Casting out of Paradise. 6 spic004 4 The birth of Cain and Abel. 6 spic005 6 Noah's Ark. 6 spic006 7 The Flood. 6 spic007 8 Noah builds an altar. 6 spic008 9 Noah replenishes the world. 7 spic009 14 Abram shares the spoils of war. 7 spic010 17 God renews the covenant. 7 spic011 18 Abraham entertains the angels 7 spic012 19 Lot entertains two angels. 7 spic013 21 Hagar's son and Sarah. 7 spic014 22 The offering up of Isaac. 7 spic015 24 Rebekah gives water to the poor man. 7 spic016 27 Esau brings venison. 8 spic017 28 Jacob's ladder. 8 spic018 29 Jacob's journey. 8 spic019 30 Leah's children. 8 spic020 35 Jacob visits Isaac. 8 spic021 37 Joseph is sold. 8 spic022 43 Joseph sees his brothers 8 spic023 Exodus 2 Moses is found by the Pharaoh's daughter. 8 spic024 3 The Burning Bush. 9 spic025 5 The Israelites work. 9 spic026 7 The rod turns into a serpent. 9 spic027 8 Moses visits the Pharaoh. 9 spic028 12 The rite of the Passover. 9 spic029 13 The firstborn are sacrificed. 9 spic030 14 The Egyptians drown in the Red Sea. 9 spic031 16 Manna is sent from heaven. 9 spic032 17 The holding up of Moses' arms. 10 spic033 18 Moses entertains Jethro 10 spic034 19 The people come to Sinai. 10 spic035 20 Moses and the ten commandments. 10 spic036 31 Moses receives the two tables. 10 spic037 32 The Golden Calf. 10 spic038 35 Moses gathers the people. Page File Name Book Chapter Description - wood cuts 10 spic039 Leviticus 10 Nadab and Abihu are burnt 10 spic040 14 Cleansing of the leper. 11 spic041 Leviticus 17 The beast's blood is offered. 11 spic042 Numbers 17 Aaron's rod flourishes. 11 spic043 21 A plague of fiery serpents. 11 spic044 22 Balak and Balaam. 11 spic045 Joshua 6 Joshua besieges Jerico 11 spic046 Judges 16 Samson pulls the house down. 11 spic047 1 Samuel 2 The sin of Elija's son. 11 spic048 6 The offering to Bethshemesh. 12 spic049 8 Samuel prays in grief. 12 spic050 1 Samuel 15 Samuel kills Agag. 12 spic051 16 Samuel anoints David. 12 spic052 20 Jonathon and David. 12 spic053 22 Saul commands Doeg to kill the Priests. 12 spic054 23 The Ziphites go to Saul. 12 spic055 24 David cries out to Saul. 12 spic056 31 The Philistines triumph over the Israelites. 13 spic057 1 Kings 1 King David is brought a young virgin. 13 spic058 2 King David instructs his son. 13 spic059 4 King Solomon's wisdom. 13 spic060 8 King Solomon's sacrifice. 13 spic061 13 The disobedient prophet is killed by a lion 13 spic062 16 Baasha is killed. 13 spic063 17 The ravens feed Elijah. 13 spic064 21 Ahab takes possession of the vineyard. 14 spic065 2 Kings 2 Elijah ascends to heaven. 14 spic066 3 King Jehoram joins the King of Judah in battle. 14 spic067 5 Naaman is cured of leprosy. 14 spic068 10 Jehu slays Ahaziah's family. 14 spic069 15 Shallum is killed by Menahem. 14 spic070 19 King Hezekiah covered in sackcloth. 14 spic071 22 Josiah takes care of the temple. 14 spic072 23 King Josiah gathers the elders. 15 spic073 25 Zedekiah's sons are killed and his eyes put out. 15 spic074 1 Chronicles 11 The elders of Israel come to David. 15 spic075 12 David's victory over the Philistines. 15 spic076 18 David reigned over Israel. 15 spic077 2 Chronicles 1 Solomon prepares the offerings. 15 spic078 6 Solomon blesses the people. 15 spic079 16 Baasha is put in prison. 15 spic080 28 Ahaz was delivered to the King of Syria. 16 spic081 33 Manasseh bound in fetters. Page File Name Book Chapter Description - wood cuts 16 spic082 St. Matthew 2 The three wise men. 16 spic083 3 The baptism of Jesus. 16 spic084 4 The temptation of Christ. 16 spic085 5 The disciples come to Jesus. 16 spic086 6 Sermon on the Mount 16 spic087 8 Christ cleanses the leper. 16 spic088 9 Jesus heals a possessed man. 17 spic089 10 Christ sends out the prophets. 17 spic090 11 The blind receive their sight 17 spic091 12 A blind and dumb man is healed. 17 spic092 13 The Parable of the sower. 17 spic093 15 Jesus heals the daughter of Canaan. 17 spic094 16 Jesus warns the disciples.. 17 spic095 17 The transfiguration of Christ. 17 spic096 18 The Parable of the King. 18 spic097 19 Christ heals the multitude. 18 spic098 20 Jesus shows that 'God is debtor unto no man'. 18 spic099 21 Jesus rides into Jerusalem. 18 spic100 22 Jesus tells the Parable of the King's son. 18 spic101 26 Jesus is betrayed by a kiss. 18 spic102 27 Jesus is delivered to Pilate. 18 spic103 28 Christ's resurrection is declared by an angel 18 spic104 St. Mark 6 Feeding of the five thousand. 19 spic105 14 The last supper. 19 spic106 15 Jesus on the cross. 19 spic107 St. Luke 1 The conception of John the Baptist. 19 spic108 2 Jesus in the temple. 19 spic109 6 Jesus chooses the apostles. 19 spic110 10 The good Samaritan. 19 spic111 11 Jesus teaches us to pray. 19 spic112 15 The Parable of the piece of silver. 20 spic113 16 The rich glutton and Lazarus the beggar. 20 spic114 18 The Parable of Pharisee and the Publican. 20 spic115 19 Jesus drives the sellers out of the temple. 20 spic116 20 Christ warns the disciples about the scribes. 20 spic117 24 The Apostles roll back the stone. 20 spic118 St. John 10 Christ is the good shepherd. 20 spic119 19 Jesus carrying the cross. 20 spic120 20 Jesus shows his wounds. Page File Name Book Chapter Description - steel engravings. 21 lpic001 Genesis 2 Adam and Eve. 21 lpic002 3 Casting out of paradise 21 lpic003 4 Cain and Abel. 21 lpic004 7 Entering into the ark. 22 lpic005 7 The flood. 22 lpic006 11 The building of the tower of Babel 22 lpic007 21 Hagar and Ishmael. 22 lpic008 22 Offering of Isaac. 23 lpic009 27 Isaac blessing Jacob. 23 lpic010 28 Jacob's dreams. 23 lpic011 35 Jacob rearing the pillar. 23 lpic012 37 Behold the dreamer comes. 24 lpic013 41 Jacob interpreting Pharaoh's dreams. 24 lpic014 42 Jacob's sons before Joseph.. 24 lpic015 42 The money is found in sacks 24 lpic016 48 Jacob's deathbed. 25 lpic017 Exodus 1 The task-masters. 25 lpic018 2 Finding Moses. 25 lpic019 12 The first passover. 25 lpic020 12 The first born's death. 26 lpic021 14 Destruction of Pharaoh. 26 lpic022 17 Moses striking the rock. 26 lpic023 18 Moses and Jethro meeting. 26 lpic024 32 Moses breaking the tables. 27 lpic025 40 The tabernacle. 27 lpic026 Leviticus 1 Altar of the burnt offering. 27 lpic027 10 Death of Nadab and Ahihu. 27 lpic028 11 The offering for purification. 28 lpic029 Numbers 1 Moses numbering the people. 28 lpic030 7 Offering of the Princes. 28 lpic031 9 The children of Israel marching through the wilderness. 28 lpic032 21 The Brazen Serpent. 29 lpic033 23 Balaam. 29 lpic034 24 Balaam and Balak on Peor. 29 lpic035 Deuteronomy 1 Moses rehearsing the commandments. 29 lpic036 34 Moses viewing the promised land. Page File Name Book Chapter Description - steel engravings 30 lpic037 Joshua 8 The capture of Ai. 30 lpic038 14 Joshua dividing the land. 30 lpic039 22 Joshua sending back the tribes. 30 lpic040 23 Joshua's charge to the elders of Israel. 31 lpic041 Judges 3 Ehud's visit to Eglon. 31 lpic042 6 Gideon and the fleece. 31 lpic043 11 Jephthah meeting his daughter. 31 lpic044 15 Samson killing the lion. 32 lpic045 17 Samson in captivity. 32 lpic046 Ruth 2 Ruth and Boaz. 32 lpic047 4 Boaz buying the inheritance. 32 lpic048 1 Samuel 2 Hannah and Samuel. 33 lpic049 6 The overthrow of Dagon. 33 lpic050 17 David and Goliath. 33 lpic051 18 David playing the harp before Saul. 33 lpic052 28 The witch of Endor 34 lpic053 2 Samuel 7 Nathan before David 34 lpic054 19 Mephibosheth meeting David 34 lpic055 1 Kings 3 Judgement of Solomon 34 lpic056 10 The Queen of Sheba's visit. 35 lpic057 17 Elija is fed by the ravens 35 lpic058 18 Elija and the prophets of Baal. 35 lpic059 2 Kings 2 Elija ascending to heaven. 35 lpic060 10 Destruction of the house of Baal. 36 lpic061 13 Arrow of deliverance. 36 lpic062 25 Zedekiah before the King of Babylon. 36 lpic063 1 Chronicles 6 The Reubenites carried into captivity. 36 lpic064 11 The death of Saul. 37 lpic065 12 The three mighty men. 37 lpic066 21 Gad before David. 37 lpic067 2 Chronicles 6 Dedication of the temple by Solomon. 37 lpic068 15 Defeat of Israel by Judah. 38 lpic069 23 Coronation of Joash. 38 lpic070 Ezra 7 Artaxerxes giving his letter to Ezra. 38 lpic071 Nehemiah 6 Sanballat's letter to Nehemiah. 38 lpic072 Esther 4 Mordecai before the King's gate. 39 lpic073 6 Esther before the King. 39 lpic074 Job 2 Job and his affliction. 39 lpic075 29 Job was a father to the poor. 39 lpic076 40 Lo and behold, the Behemoth 40 lpic077 42 The renewed prosperity of Job. 40 lpic078 Psalms 23 The Lord is my shepherd. 40 lpic079 81 Priests blowing trumpets at the New Moon. 40 lpic080 Proverbs 24 Field of the Slothful. 41 lpic081 25 If your enemy is hungry, give him bread. 41 lpic082 31 The good wife. Page File Name Book Chapter Description - steel engravings 41 lpic083 Isaiah 11 A little child shall lead them. 41 lpic084 16 Everyone shall howl. 42 lpic085 29 The walls of Jerusalem. 42 lpic086 38 Hezekiah laying the letter. 42 lpic087 47 The women of Chaldea are reduced to servitude. 42 lpic088 Jeremiah 7 Jeremiah denouncing judgment over Jerusalem. 43 lpic089 13 Jeremiah hiding his girdle. 43 lpic090 18 Jeremiah at the Potter's house 43 lpic091 20 Jeremiah breaking the Potter's vessel. 43 lpic092 29 Lying prophets are ordered for execution. 44 lpic093 32 Jeremiah buys his relative's field. 44 lpic094 37 Jeremiah before the King. 44 lpic095 Ezekiel 6 Destruction of the Idolatrous Israelites. 44 lpic096 14 The elders visit Ezekiel. 45 lpic097 21 The King of Babylon. 45 lpic098 47 Vision of the Holy Waters. 45 lpic099 Daniel 4 The Hebrew youths in the fiery furnace. 45 lpic100 6 Daniel in the Lion's Den. 46 lpic101 Joel 3 Selling the children of the Jewish captives. 46 lpic102 Amos 7 The judgment against Amaziah. 46 lpic103 Jonah 2 Jonah is cast into the sea. 46 lpic104 Zechariah 6 Vision of the four chariots. 47 lpic105 11 Zechariah receives thirty pieces of silver. 47 lpic106 Esther 15 Esther before the King. 47 lpic107 1 Maccabees 1 Mattathias and the apostle. 47 lpic108 2 Maccabees 6 Martyrdom of Eleazar the scribe. 48 lpic109 9 Punishment of Antiochus. 48 lpic110 St. Matthew 1 The Nativity. 48 lpic111 1 The Ephiphany. 48 lpic112 4 The calling of St.Peter and St. Andrew. 49 lpic113 8 Healing the sick. 49 lpic114 9 Sending out the twelve apostles. 49 lpic115 13 Parable of the sower. 49 lpic116 14 Feeding of the five thousand. 50 lpic117 18 Parable of the lost sheep. 50 lpic118 20 Christ and the mother of Zebedee's children. 50 lpic119 25 Parable of the ten virgins. 50 lpic120 25 Parable of the talents. 51 lpic121 27 The Crucifixion. 51 lpic122 St. Mark 12 Parable of the wicked husbandmen. 51 lpic123 14 The Last Supper. 51 lpic124 16 The burial of our Lord. 52 lpic125 16 Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene. Page File Name Book Chapter Description - steel engravings 52 lpic126 St. Luke 1 Zacharias. 52 lpic127 2 Presentation in the Temple. 52 lpic128 7 The Penitent Woman. 53 lpic129 10 The Good Samaritan 53 lpic130 12 The Parable of the Rich Fool. 53 lpic131 13 Parable of the Great Supper. 53 lpic132 16 The rich man and Lazarus. 54 lpic133 18 Parable of the Pharisee and Publican. 54 lpic134 18 Healing the blind man. 54 lpic135 19 Our Lord's entry into Jerusalem. 54 lpic136 20 Cleansing of the Temple. 55 lpic137 3 Jesus and Nicodemus. 55 lpic138 6 Jesus walking on the sea.. 55 lpic139 11 The raising of Lazarus. 55 lpic140 18 The betrayal of Jesus. 56 lpic141 Acts 2 Peter preaching at the Pentecost. 56 lpic142 Acts 7 The death of Stephen. 56 lpic143 21 The arrest of St. Paul. 56 lpic144 28 The shipwreck of St. Paul. 57 lpic145 Revelation 1 The revelation of St. Paul. Page File Name Description - miscellaneous 57 mpic001 Moreover 57 mpic002 In 57 mpic003 Camel. 58 mpic004 And (1). 58 mpic005 Pyramids 58 mpic006 Desert Well. 58 mpic007 Angels 59 mpic008 A (1) 59 mpic009 Camel 59 mpic010 Now 59 mpic011 If. 60 mpic012 Thou. 60 mpic013 A (2) 60 mpic014 Candle 60 mpic015 And (2). 61 mpic016 Priest (1) 61 mpic017 Priest (2). 61 mpic018 B 61 mpic019 2 birds. 62 mpic020 2 dragons. 62 mpic021 P 62 mpic022 Pattern (1) 62 mpic023 Border (1) 63 mpic024 Border( 2) 63 mpic025 Coins. 63 mpic026 Pattern (2). 63 mpic027 Man. 64 mpic028 Figs 64 mpic029 Olive branch 64 mpic030 Psaltery. 64 mpic031 C 65 mpic032 Bible 65 mpic033 Pattern (3). 65 mpic034 Table of Shewbread. 65 mpic035 Lake of Galilee.